Photo ID
Photo Identification is the method used to identify an individual with a photo.
Like humain, every cetacean's individual is recognizable by individual marks. The dorsal fin of a dolphin or the fluke of a whale is comparable to a fingerprint and allows us to determine who is the cetacean on the picture.
Thanks to this non-invasive scientific method, we are able to determine essential information for conservation such as:
- The social structures of groups (if they are friends, family or strangers ?)
- The migration routes (where they are from and where they are going ?)
- The population estimate (how many different sperm-whales do we have in the Caribbean ?)

Flukebook: where people, machine learning and animals connect
Flukebook is a free, online resource, established to strengthen the global conservation of whales and dolphins. A catalyst for collaboration, Flukebook enables researchers to manage, share, analyze and archive data via pioneering, user friendly software. Flukebook unites researchers, conservationists and citizen scientists, enables connections with individual animals, and provides robust data to inform conservation of marine mammals and their habitats.
Why use Flukebook?
No researcher or whalewatcher is equipped to traverse the vast distances required to study marine mammals consistently and without gaps. Flukebook's powerful data management, photo matching algorithms and analysis tools, consolidates existing research and connects data to provide oceanic and global scale information for researchers and conservation groups.
For the first time, Flukebook provides a place for researchers, conservationists and citizen scientists to work together to fill the gaps in our knowledge of these incredible species.
What does Flukebook do?
Flukebook uses photographs of flukes , dorsal fins, and scars to distinguish between individual animals. Identify your fluke in as few as three clicks - rapid identification is achieved using pattern recognition and photo management technology. Anyone can contribute to Flukebook. All you need is to submit your photos and any other sighting information and Flukebook can do the rest. Soon, you will even be able to follow an individual whale, find out who she is friends with, where she goes, and who has seen her lately
First deep learning is used to train computer vision to find individual whales and dolphins in photos and identify the species.
Then algorithms and neural network identify individuals.
When flukebook know where each animal is, it can identify them individually using algorithms that make digital "fingerprints" for each animal, such as identifying them by their unique body coloration or fin edges. Flukebook replace hours of human labor with just a few minutes of computer vision, scanning for matches across tens of thousands of photos.

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