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Get involved today !  

You can help us to reach our goals in different ways and at your scale. Donation is not the only way...


Support our objectives and our organisation. You can help us face everyday costs, support our actions every month or pay for a special project that matters to you. 


Find out more about how we use your donations and why it is so important for CCS.  

how you can help

Share your Sigthings

Every sighting is useful data for science!

Signal your encounters at sea to help us study species diversity, seasonality and distribution in the different islands.


We selected a free app to share this information with everyone.


Share your photo ID

You are more experienced, or you are crossing cetaceans often: Share with us on this open platform accessible to all researchers, your flukes or dorsal fins. 

This will help to calculate population estimates and movement patterns to better conserve them! 

Prise de vue aérienne Bateau

Share your boat

Do you want to be part of a once in a life-time experience ? 


If you have a boat that meets our needs, you could be involved in one of our scientific expeditions to help an island that needs it ! 

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© Caribbean Cetacean Society 2022

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